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An A1 Systems Certified Professional is trained and tested to inspect, collect, evaluate and calculate all the necessary data to achieve maximum performance from your entire roof system. It’s not just a roof, it’s the umbrella over your home, business, and possessions. Each building is unique in design and construction. To achieve the longest life and most efficiency from your roof, each roofing solution should be designed with products appropriate for that unique roof system. It’s essential that you have a durable roof covering as well as balanced ventilation and adequate insulation. Only a trained and experienced roofing inspector or estimator of roofing systems has the necessary knowledge of newly developing products and methods to perform an energy evalutaion and prescribe the best solution for your home.

Ventilation is crucial to the life and effectiveness of every roofing system. Vapors and condensation can cripple R-values and encourage hidden decay in the building structure. 911 Exterior Roofing & Fence’s A1 Certified personnel will create a system that performs where you see it, and where you can’t.

Insulation becomes more important to home and business owners with each passing season. Whether to keep out the cold or keep the cool air inside, maximizing R values can pay for itself many times over the life of a building. A1 Certified estimators can offer a dizzying array of products to button up your building in every location, bringing you the greatest value and efficiency.


Go Local & Trust 911 Exteriors Roofing & Fence Proudly Serving the Dallas Area Since 1988

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